Northern Hills Republican Women Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday Sep 5, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM MDT
Those wanting to order food should plan to arrive about 4:45 PM and the meeting will start at 5:30 PM.
Guadalajara Restaurant
83 W. Hwy 14, Spearfish, SD
Northern Hills Republican Women Meeti...
The Northern Hills Republican Women will hold their monthly meeting at the Guadalajara Restaurant, 83 W. Hwy 14, Spearfish, SD. All are welcome to attend. Those wanting to order food should plan to arrive about 4:45 PM and the meeting will start at 5:30 PM. Topics of discussion will include the upcoming Reagan Day Dinner on October 28, our various fundraising efforts, and our membership in the SDFRW and NFRW and the benefits available to us from these organizations.